Word Dictionary
-> Neglect
(adv.) Not to attend to with due care or attention; to forbear one's duty in regard to; to suffer to pass unimproved, unheeded, undone, etc.; to omit; to disregard; to slight; as, to neglect duty or business; to neglect to pay debts.
(adv.) To omit to notice; to forbear to treat with attention or respect; to slight; as, to neglect strangers.
(v.) Omission of proper attention; avoidance or disregard of duty, from heedlessness, indifference, or willfulness; failure to do, use, or heed anything; culpable disregard; as, neglect of business, of health, of economy.
(v.) Omission if attention or civilities; slight; as, neglect of strangers.
(v.) Habitual carelessness; negligence.
(v.) The state of being disregarded, slighted, or neglected.
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